The Best Medicines to Build Immunity in a Pandemic or Not

Laughter so many say is the best medicine. Norman Cousins was sick and dying and lying in a hospital he combated his illness dedicating himself to laughing. He watched old comedies and laughed at as much as he could. He had a full recovery. His book about his illness: “Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration”

Sunshine is like a flower in bloom to me. It makes me feel better when it shines. The warmth, the color…yellow the color of friendship, having the bright light just perks me up. Of course if you live in an area where the sun is so bright you need to take caution and protect yourself. That could be covering up, and wearing a hat to sunshine weather it is store bought or homemade. There are plenty of recipes to make your own on Pintrest.

Water recommendation is six to eight-eight ounces a day. Work up to two glasses upon rising. Two glasses between breakfast and lunch and two between lunch and dinner. It is best to take your liquids between meals, never during meals for it interferes with your digestion of your food intake. Use the purest form of water available.




Air/Deep Breathing

God has provided remedies for all diseases in plants and minerals. 

The six best doctors anywhere,

And no one can deny it,

Are sunshine, water, rest and air,

And exercise and diet.

These six will gladly you attend,

If only you are willing.

Your ills they’ll mend

Your cares they’ll tend,

And charge you not a shilling.

From Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss page 542